This section of the LIHEAP Performance Management website contains materials and tools designed to help LIHEAP program administrators to effectively implement LIHEAP Performance Management in the design and implementation of their programs.
The resources in this section will help grant recipients collect data reliably and verify the reliability of reported data.
Performance Measures Data Collection Guide
The LIHEAP Performance Measures Data Collection Guide provides an overview of the data items that must be collected, summarized, and reported by states and the District of Columbia in Module 2 of their annual LIHEAP Performance Data Form. In addition to the primary guide, several supplements provide more detail on specific issues related to data collection.
Data Integrity Case Study – Understanding Montana's Performance Measures Results for Propane - PDF Document
This case study presents an example of how Montana investigated the findings from their FY 2016 Performance Measures to assess whether the reliability of the results.
Electric Baseload Expenditures — This data reliability assessment tool is designed to help you assess the reliability of the electric baseload billing data collected in Section V of the LIHEAP Performance Data Form.
This webinar furnished an overview of the new tool and how it guides users through a step-by-step assessment process that identifies potential data issues and recommends steps to address them.
LIHEAP Performance Management: Electric Baseload Expenditures Data Reliability Tool - Youtube
This webinar furnished an overview of the Electric Baseload Tool and how it guides users through a step-by-step assessment process that identifies potential data issues and recommends steps to address them.
LIHEAP Performance Data Quality - Verifying your Data - Youtube
This webinar furnished an overview of how grant recipients can assess the reliability of their data and provides examples of how some LIHEAP grant recipients have done so in the past.
This section contains examples of how LIHEAP grant recipients have used Performance Measures data to make program decisions, and lists resources that will be useful to grant recipients seeking to use their Performance Measures.
LIHEAP Data Warehouse
The LIHEAP Data Warehouse allows users to access historic national and state-level LIHEAP data to build instant reports, tables, and charts.
LIHEAP Data Case Studies
The Data Case Study Project Team of the PMIWG works on developing case studies to highlight examples of how other LIHEAP grant recipients implemented performance management. Follow the link to see the reports.
Targeting Energy Assistance to Vulnerable Populations - Youtube
This is a short video about how LIHEAP coordinators can use program data available to them to target outreach.
LIHEAP Grantee Search Portal
The Grantee Search Portal is a tool that allows you to identify LIHEAP state grant recipients that share one or more common characteristics and look up program information for those states.
Application Projection Tool - Excel Document
This downloadable Excel tool can be used to provide key insights into the topic of program planning and forecasting. The tool allows grant recipients to enter their own, historic data on program applications and approvals to forecast applications for the remainder of the fiscal year. The tool contains a tutorial with instructions to help grant recipients use it.
Common Program Management and Monitoring Reports: Examples from Grant Recipients
This PDF tool allows you to download and look at real life examples of reports that various state grant recipients consult on a regular basis to monitor and manage their programs.
This webinar reviewed how the LIHEAP Data Warehouse and LIHEAP Performance Management Website can help grant recipients to access recent and historic data to inform planning for FY25 and completing the Model Plan.
LIHEAP Performance Management: Data Informed Program Decisions – Youtube - December 2, 2021
This one-hour Webinar will provide a review of the Iowa Case Study, completed by the Performance Management Implementation Work Group (PMIWG), to demonstrate to grant recipients how they can use their own program data to model and assess the potential impact of program changes.
Using the LIHEAP Performance Management Website - YouTube - May 25, 2021
This recorded webinar provided an overview and several demonstrations of the features available to users on this website.
LIHEAP Performance Management – Using Data to Inform Benefit Determination Procedures and Program Coordination - YouTube - September 2, 2020
This webinar presented information about two topics related to performance management.
LIHEAP Performance Management – Understanding How to Use Performance Data for Program Assessment - YouTube - March 27, 2019
This webinar provides an overview of how state grant recipients can assess their program performance using data.
Strategies for Enhancing Performance Management - YouTube - May 23, 2018
This one-hour Webinar use examples from three state grant recipients to show attendees how their LIHEAP Performance Measures Data can be used to examine the performance of their programs, as well as how data can be used to implement program strategies.
Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2022 to 2023 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2022 to 2023 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2016 through 2019 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
This section includes resources that LIHEAP grant recipients can use to discuss performance measures with LIHEAP stakeholders.
LIHEAP Grantee Search Portal
The Grantee Search Portal is a tool developed by the PMIWG. It allows you to identify LIHEAP state grant recipients that share one or more common characteristics and look up program information for those states.
Letter Template with Talking Points for Subgrantees - WORD Document
Use this template to communicate with subgrantees about the importance of Performance Measures and to share results for your state.
Letter Template with Talking Points for Energy Vendors - WORD Document
Use this template to communicate with vendors about the importance of Performance Measures and to share results for your state.
Letter Template with Talking Points for Legislators - WORD Document
Use this template to communicate about Performance Measures results with legislators.
Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2022-2023 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2022 to 2023 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2016 through 2019 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
LIHEAP Report Training Webinars
Access training webinars on completing the annual LIHEAP reports.
Performance Management Webinars
Watch webinars on Performance Management
Tools and Resources
Find tools and other resources to assist with Performance Management
National and Regional Training Meetings
Review information from LIHEAP National and Regional grant recipient training meetings.
View or download slides on LIHEAP Performance Management presented at NEADA and NEUAC conferences.