Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2022-2023 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
Choose a year:
*The presented data for fiscal years 2022 to 2023 should be considered preliminary pending final data validation.
The purpose of this Field-by-Field Guide is to provide grant recipients with a resource that defines how the Performance Measures and other fields in Section V. Energy Burden Targeting of the LIHEAP Performance Data Form (LPDF) are calculated in the Online Data Collection (OLDC) system. It serves as a reference point for grant recipients interested in visualizing how the fields are interrelated, and it provides examples to demonstrate the calculations that are performed. Grant Recipients can use this guide as a companion source when reviewing and interpreting their Performance Measures results. Download the full guide here. [PDF/722K]
- Energy Burden: Select this category to view data on income, benefits, energy bills, energy burden, and change in energy burden. The data in these reports are the inputs used to determine the LIHEAP targeting indexes.
- LIHEAP Targeting Indexes: Select this category to view data on the Benefit Targeting Index and Burden Reduction Targeting Index Performance Measures.
- Service Loss Restoration and Prevention: Select this category to view data on the Restoration and Prevention of Home Energy Service Performance Measures.
- Energy Burden: Select this category to view data on income, benefits, energy bills, energy burden, and change in energy burden. The data in these reports are the inputs used to determine the LIHEAP targeting indexes.
- LIHEAP Targeting Indexes: Select this category to view data on the Benefit Targeting Index and Burden Reduction Targeting Index Performance Measures.
- Service Loss Restoration and Prevention: Select this category to view data on the Restoration and Prevention of Home Energy Service Performance Measures.
The LIHEAP Data Warehouse contains dynamic reports, tables, and charts to help users visualize Performance Measures data. Users can access Performance Measures data through the Standard Reports tool and the Custom Reports tool.
For more information, consult the Data Warehouse Tutorial:
The LIHEAP Data Warehouse Tutorial – PDF Document
Step-by-step guidance on using the Data Warehouse.
The Single State Program Reports page allows you to view pre-programmed Performance Measures data charts for one state.
When you get to the Single State Program Reports page, your Performance Measures data can be found under the following categories.
The Custom Reports page allows you to customize your own Performance Measure reports.
When you get to the Custom Reports page, the Performance Measures data can be found in the left-most column under Step One by selecting the following categories.
- Main Heating Expenditures — Assessing the reliability of main heating fuel billing data for your LIHEAP-assisted households.
- Electric Baseload Expenditures — Assessing the reliability of electric baseload billing data for your LIHEAP-assisted households.