This section of the LIHEAP Performance Management website contains links to other important online resources related to LIHEAP.
LIHEAP Program Website
The LIHEAP Program Website is available on the Administration for Children & Families' website and provides key communications and guidance from HHS.
LIHEAP Clearinghouse
The LIHEAP Clearinghouse serves as a hub for information about the variation that exists among LIHEAP grant recipients in the operation of their programs.
LIHEAP Statute
Access the federal LIHEAP statute and amendments.
LIHEAP Regulations
Read current HHS regulations LIHEAP.
Action Transmittals
View recent and historic Action Transmittals communicating key requirements and information to LIHEAP Grant Recipients and other interested parties.
Dear Colleague Letters
View recent and historic Dear Colleague Letters communicating announcements and funding releases to LIHEAP Grant Recipients.
Information Memorandum
View recent and historic Information Memorandum that share data and information with grant recipients, including the annual Poverty Guidelines and 60 Percent of State Median Income Estimates.
Special Guidance
Access HHS guidance of special topics of interest for LIHEAP grant recipients.
LIHEAP Website Navigator
Need assistance in finding LIHEAP information across the federal LIHEAP Websites? Use the LIHEAP Website Navigator to find the information you need.
LIHEAP Virtual Library
The LIHEAP Virtual Library is a tool to help grant recipients locate and save program planning and technical resources based on their unique needs and topics of interest.
LIHEAP Grantee Search Portal
The Grantee Search Portal is a tool to help grant recipients identify LIHEAP state grant recipients that share one or more common characteristics based on selected criteria.
Federal Contacts
A comprehensive list of federal LIHEAP staff and their contact information.
State and Territory Contacts
A comprehensive list of state and territory grant recipients and their contact information.
Territories/Tribe Contacts
A comprehensive list of Tribal grant recipients and their contact information.